We encourage you to complete this activity in one sitting since work in progress is not saved. You can print the output from this activity in PDF after completing the exercise. All fields are private and will not be shared with Eaton Vance.

Prefer to create a plan on paper?



Evaluate how you build stronger emotional connections with others. Based on your assessment, use the space provided to identify the approaches you want to master and how you plan to embrace them.


Ask better questions to convey genuine interest.

Shift my mindset to focus exclusively on the prospect, client or team member before engaging with them.


Before each meeting prepare three to four open-ended questions that align with meeting goals and foster positive emotions.

Embrace daily meditation to help increase overall focus.


Validate what I hear even if I don’t agree.

Talk less – spend more time listening.


Practice active listening – acknowledge what I heard the other person say.

Take breaks when speaking in order to ask the other person if he/she has questions. Allow others to express their points of view throughout the discussion.


Reflect on how I may have been perceived.



Candidly assess what went well in the meeting while also identifying areas for improvement.

Specify ways to better engage based on areas identified for improvement.

Print a copy of your worksheet for your records

Well done! You’ve created a personalized plan to become more empathic.

You are on your way to chase positivity by:

  • Identifying ways to enhance how you build emotional connections with others
  • Establishing goals for personal development and growth
  • Creating an action plan to achieve results

We encourage you to periodically review your progress against the plan and fine-tune your activities as needed.

What's next?

If you're interested in digging deeper into this topic, you can go to the next resource. If not, we recommend continuing to the next subtopic.